Wait JP was a lumberjack!? In this episode we discuss activity and food intake and how many of us have…
Robb and I wax lyrical about social media, onboarding new clients and alcohol
This week we have our first guest, the amazing Leanne Marshall. Get yourself comfortable because this one is packed tight…
This week we discuss some of the stupid shit we have done whilst dieting or training. Robb is still No…
Episode 8 Watch it. Ready to find out more? Click the link to check out our Online Body Transformation…
Episode 7 The No Fap Episode Ok where do I start with this one it’s probably the deepest and most…
Episode 6 We all get our haircuts Robb is NOT going bald We dig deeper into Simons Smouldering ways, including…
Episode 5 Gyms opening so obviously…. Robb isn’t talking to Simon Simon is busy trying to trigger Robb James Rants…
Life advice for my Son To my darling son on your 8th birthday, this is the eigth year that I…
Robb Versus the world! AKA Robb gets angry at “influencers” James makes mistakes and is happy about it Simon smoulders…